Wednesday, April 02, 2008


This morning's gospel spoke of Christ as light. Images of light come to mind--candles, fireworks--all images that bring clarity and warmth. I was thinking of the past couple weeks of rainy, gloomy weather and remembering how may times I said to someone that I just need some sunshine.

In terms of discernment, light is an important element. We all want clarity before we come to decisions. I read a relection this morning from "the little white book" which talked about allowing Christ to bring light into our own darkness, our own hearts where there are areas of darkness.

What would keep us from allowing Christ into our darkness? Fear. Sometimes we are even afraid to look honestly into our own hearts because we fear what kind of darkness we will find. This is an important first step in discernment--seeing ourselves honestly and accepting the movements of our own hearts. If we want to look into our hearts we can put away fear because, Christ will be with us, loving us no matter what we find and giving us courage to allow Christ to be our light.

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