Friday, March 28, 2008


In this morning's gospel Peter went back to fishing. Maybe disappointment that his time as a follower of Jesus had come to an abrupt end. He had left all--even his nets and his father--to follow. But now he is back at the fishing job. Taking up his nets again.

I refelcted on what he was able to do on his own and what he could do when merely obeying the suggestion of Jesus. The image that stays with me is that net--full to the breaking point. What an abundance. And Jesus--they had not recognized him in the shore. Somewhere I heard that the people of the time believed there were only 153 kinds of fish in the Sea of Galilee so this catch of 153 represented the whole world of fish.

Earlier in his ministry Jesus had told Peter that he would be fishing for people. Now this large catch of every kind of fish. Did Peter remember that he will be fishing for people?

My reflection for my own life, was around the frustration I feel when I do not see the results of my labor and the call to merely obey and to be aware that the stranger on the shore is Jesus.

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